Sunday, January 06, 2008

Il postino

This story about an Italian postman (Mario Ruoppolo) which establish an extrordinary friendship with a famous exiled poet(Pablo Neruda). Mario started to interest in poetry since he saw the news about Pablo Neruda. He thought that poetry was a good idea to get women. One day, at the restaurant he saw a beautiful woman ( Beatrice Russo) and inmediately fell in love with her.Mario asked several times Pablo that help him to get her, but Pablo did not want to. So, Mario began to use Pablo's poetry. Finally, Mario got married Beatrice. At the wedding day, Pablo knew that he could come back to his country (Chile). Mario lost his job and started to work with his wife in the restaurant. Beatrice gets pregnant.Time goes by and in a communist riot Mario died. Years later; Neruda came back to visit his friend Mario in Italy and found a little boy playing with a ball, he was Pablito (Mario's son). Then, Beatrice saw Pablo and told the new, Mario had died.

I consider that it was a sad movie because the principal character did not achieve his goal (read his poem to everybody) besides he always wanted to know some news or see again his closest friend Neruda nad he never could it. Moreover, I believe that it is an excelent movie because you can really feel the scenes of the the movie and at the same time it include different elements like poetry, love, politics and friendship.

Technical aspects

Il Postino was film in 1994, directed by Michael Radford. based on a novel called
novel Burning Patience by Antonio Skarmeta. Its principal actors were:

Massimo Troisi as Mario Ruoppol. (Massimo Troisi) died after filmed the movie.

Philippe Noiret as Pablo Neruda.

Maria Grazia Cucinotta as Beatrice Russo.

Producers: Mario and Vittoio Cecchi Gori, Gaetano Daniele.

Academy awards nominations
Best Picture of the Year
Best leading role actor
Best Director
Best Original Score
Best screenplay based on previously published media on December 31, 2007.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


The purpose of this study is to give the results of an investigation into the use of Computer - mediated Communication tool in a L2 classroom. This research compares the performance of students and teachers in classroom discussions with their participation in Web - based Bulletin Board discussion. The sample of this research were twenty students which were divided into two groups; the first one is formed by thirteen nonnative English speakers and the seclslalalalalallay

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Language learning games

Learnig through games is an amazing and funny way that hep students to internalise the new knowledge. Children do not feel boried at all, when they go to classes and this kind of methods are used; they are happy and comfortable with these activities. They are learning unconsciously.

This text is going to provide you a lot of games which can be use to teach numbers, letters or numbers/letters within the same game.

For onstance, if you want to teach numbers, there is an exited and easy game called Bingo. This game is based on a card. Each player has a card with twenty spaces with different numbers. To play this game the teacher has to called the numbers not more than once while students cross out the numbers that teacher called before. There are two ways of winning. The first one is when the students cross out the numbers which are located in the same line; the second is when the student has all the numbers that the teacher called in his or her card. This person has to scream FULL HOUSE! The objective of this game is that children could recognize the numbers as fast as they can.
Of course, there are a lot of games that teachers can use in order to help to improve children's vocabulary; such as word associations, the grammar focus game, what 's my line?and so on.
To sump up, teaching vocabulary through games is an interesting proposal that every teacher could take into account in order to help to improve children's vocabulary. As you can see, this games are simple to prepare and administer in class.

Of course , there are games where you can learn letters and numbers at the same time. This game is secret message. In this game you have to give a letter and agreed number. For example: a =3 , b= 8 and so on. Students have to decode the message.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Paraphrasis:French, from Latin paraphrasis, from Greek, from paraphrazein, to paraphrase : para-, alongside ; see para- 1 + phrazein, to show, explain; see gwhren- in Indo-European roots. Meaning literally, “beside phrase,” and “beside speech.” The term paraphrasis is also known as rewording; it consist on restate another person's idea using your own words and your own sentence structures.

To make a good paraphrase you have to keep in mind the following aspects:
  1. Removes unusual (and possibly distracting) words.
  2. Keeps the paraphrase as simple as possible.
  3. Expresses the main ideas in her own words .
  4. Expresses the points concisely.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Asssigment 2 : Forum (July 2002)

The topic that I chose was Helping students to develop coherence in Writing.I selected this topic because I am working with that in classes of Pedagogìa de la Gramàtica and Reading and Text Production.Moreover, I have to admit that is a litlle bit difficult for me to write a whole paragraph and keeping the idea during the whole paragraph.

Parts of the problem statement:


  • Helping students develop coherence in writing
  • Creating new and useful techniques to teach coherence in writing

I think that this theme could be very important to Students of English as a Foreign Language because it helps them; in order to improve their writing which is a very important element when you are studying English; because you have to learn to express yourself not only in the speaking way it is also important the writing and to be a perfect writer you must to have coherence.

My question is:

Which stategies do professors of English as a Foreign Language require to teach coherence in writing?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Problem statement

If you are focusing in a problem, be sure to define and state it specifically enough that you can write about it . You must know that naming a topic is not the same as defining a problem.

The problem statement has four elements which are related; these elements are:
  • Stable Context: "The status Quo" surronding your particular problem. It is the point of entrance into your essay and consists of information that will not be challenged by your reader. For example, "Most contemporary literacy critics agree that William Shakespeare designates an actual person who lived from 1564 - 1616"

  • Destabilizing Condition: some particular situation or problem that has the pontencial to cause difficulty, either pratical or conceptual, for the status quo. for example, "recent evidence, however, suggests that Shakespeare was actually a name used by various Renaissance writers who wanted to remain anonymous¨".
  • Consequences: it is divided into two forms, the cost of leaving the Destabilizing Condition unresolved or the benefits of resolving it.
  • Solution: is your proposal for how to resolve or dismiss the particular problem that destabilizing condition raises.
My first experience using Blogger

I have to confess that at the first moment, it was a little bit difficult to me using blogger because was something new for me. Then, I realized that is a good tool for the module V class because I can interact with my classmates and my professor about the units of the class and even daily topics or whatever you want at any time.