Thursday, January 11, 2007

Paraphrasis:French, from Latin paraphrasis, from Greek, from paraphrazein, to paraphrase : para-, alongside ; see para- 1 + phrazein, to show, explain; see gwhren- in Indo-European roots. Meaning literally, “beside phrase,” and “beside speech.” The term paraphrasis is also known as rewording; it consist on restate another person's idea using your own words and your own sentence structures.

To make a good paraphrase you have to keep in mind the following aspects:
  1. Removes unusual (and possibly distracting) words.
  2. Keeps the paraphrase as simple as possible.
  3. Expresses the main ideas in her own words .
  4. Expresses the points concisely.

1 comment:

lilianaponsster said...

My Dear Maria,
Your work is good.Please check the spelling of some words and give more examples about the theme.